Monkey Island Soundtracks


oli's Monkey Island I Tunes (13 kb)
mi1intro.mid - Intro of The Secret Of Monkey Island

Monkey Island II Tunes (88 kb)
by Ted Sanger
mkintro.mid - Intro of Monkey Island 2 - LeChuck's Revenge
mkwdtick.mid - Madley of some Woodtick tunes
mkdive.mid - Guybrush diving from Kate Capsize' ship
mkbones.mid - Guybrush's dancing parents
mkend.mid - Music from the credits


MI1 Scummbar/Scallion (233 kb)
by Steven O'Brien
scummbar.xm - Music in the Scummbar
scallion.xm - Guybrush talking to Rapp Scallion

MI1 Intro (95 kb)
by Stefan Uhlemann
monkey.mod - Intro of The Secret Of Mokey Island, LeChuck theme

© 04/17/1997 by oli!Milka Mouse--Click to visit my homepage